As more products essentially become commodities, service has become a viable means for increasing revenue and profit margins for companies in these industries. Use a service strategy to your advantage.
Big companies often struggle to develop great relationships with their customers. Too many levels of authority, employees unauthorized to make decisions, arbitrary policies preventing customer-facing employees from advocating for the customer, and limited access to direct customer feedback often handcuff the big guys from delivering great service and developing good relationships with their customers.
This spells opportunity for agile companies!
One of the reasons I enjoy working with small companies is knowing exactly who stands behind the company and its policies. This tends to build a more responsive organization and it’s good marketing. If your a small business, use your size to your advantage. Develop relationships with your customers and provide the best service possible. Develop a culture for customer service through training and service programs that empower your employees.
Great customer service can differentiate your business from others and improve your bottom line. Embrace a culture of customer service and develop relationships with clients that make them want to be your customer for life.