Finding unconventional answers to problems requires creative thinking. Using the main principle behind successful Improv can boost your creativity in order to solve problems and uncover hidden opportunities.
Creativity experts encourage conducting brainstorming sessions that are free from judgment. The idea is if your take away negativity around any type of input then you can allow ideas to evolve or inspire other ideas that satisfy your needs. This premise is great, but I’d recommend taking this technique a step further and marry Improv theory’s main principle, unconditional support, into your brainstorming sessions.
Improv requires the unconditional support of improvisationers to enable a scene to gain momentum. When brainstorming, the same type of supportive foundation could help foster new ideas. By training you and your team to be unconditionally supportive during a brainstorming session you immerse yourself into a collaborative environment of free flowing ideas that are unregulated by fear of rejection.
The next time you need to get creative with your team, embrace the Improv theory of unconditional support and have members of the group fire out ideas that build and branch off from one another. While some initial ideas may be blah, subsequent ideas may be the genesis of something big!
How do you get your creative juices flowing? Have you used Improv to hep your business think up unconventional ideas?
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