Why Negative Online Reviews are Good

When it comes to Web 2.0 and social media, many organizations hate the idea of losing control over what is said about their brand or products.  For many years, companies avoided engaging in newer online technologies that facilitate customer feedback in public mediums for this very reason.  How could they these mediums, monitor them all,… Continue reading Why Negative Online Reviews are Good

Web 2.0 is Friendlier than Web 1.0

I enjoy Web 2.0 sites like Facebook and Twitter because they foster accountability and positive interactions. Sometime ago, people with cryptic usernames like webspider hid behind anonymity when interacting online.  In the Web 2.0 world, people are claiming their identities (which is a great for other reasons given this trend) and using social media sites… Continue reading Web 2.0 is Friendlier than Web 1.0

Winning Brands in Uncertain Times

As a follow up to my last post about the opportunities that abound in our depressed economy, I was thinking about what type of products and brands do well during these times.  In uncertain times, what type of products do you find solace in? The products and brands that are winners to me are inexpensive… Continue reading Winning Brands in Uncertain Times

Why Executives Resist Social Media

There are many trends executives resist while plodding along successfully following the status quo.  While it’s understandable for some hesitation in jumping in on “next big thing,” understanding the motivation for that resistance is crucial to making better decisions. The most recent trend is social media.  Social Media is big.  Millions of people communicate on… Continue reading Why Executives Resist Social Media